Thumb sucking is a natural reflex for a child that can often be seen in the womb during development. It involves placing the thumb into the mouth and rhythmically sucking contact for a long duration. This habit may make babies feel happy and secure or may help them fall asleep. According to ADA (American Dental Association), the best time to discourage thumb sucking is before the permanent teeth start to appear in order to prevent problems with teeth alignment and development of the mouth. It can also cause changes in the roof of the mouth and can affect the facial form.
Until 3 years old, this finger habit is considered normal, it will cease without any effort. If it persists, parents should be helped to find ways to stop it.
For children who experience difficulty in stopping their thumb sucking, some products that can be placed on the thumb in order to discourage the habit can be used. Just placing a bandage on the thumb or a sock on the hand is enough. Do not criticize your children. Criticism may create more anxiety. If thumb sucking continues after the age of 4 or 5, this habit will begin changes to the mouth and teeth.
Depending on the frequency, intensity and duration of the sucking, the teeth can be pushed out of alignment and create an overbite. The child can also have problems with the pronunciation of words. Moreover, the upper and lower jaws can become misaligned and the roof of the mouth might become malformed.
How to stop thumb sucking:
To conclude, thumb-sucking is a normal habit for babies and little children. This habit should end by the age of 4. In case this not happened, you should take measures because thumb sucking will affect your child’s teeth and oral health. In case you have such problems, do not hesitate to call Dr. Arhiri to make an appointment.